Does anyone know of an algorithm that will merge treenodes in the following way?
\\ child a
\\ child b
I came up with this recursive example, works perfect in C# (have been using it myself), note that you'll need to find a way to convert TreeNode.Nodes to an array:
public static TreeNode[] mergeTrees(TreeNode[] target, TreeNode[] source)
if (source == null || source.Length == 0)
return target;
if (target == null || target.Length == 0)
return source;
bool found;
foreach (TreeNode s in source)
found = false;
foreach (TreeNode t in target)
if (s.Text.CompareTo(t.Text) == 0)
found = true;
TreeNode[] updatedNodes = mergeTrees(Util.treeView2Array(t.Nodes), Util.treeView2Array(s.Nodes));
if (!found)
TreeNode[] newNodes = new TreeNode[target.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(target, newNodes, target.Length);
newNodes[target.Length] = s;
target = newNodes;
return target;