I am creating a simple Web Application in PHP for my college project. I am using the MySQL database.
I connect to the database in login.php. After connection I assig
It sounds that you want to make your php connections persistants , in that way and if it is so , then you have to create a PDO Object with the required parameters to create a new PHP PDO Object that will attempt to connect to mysql , and in the object instanciation , try to pass persistancy option value to true , you may have available in every php scripts the same PDO Connection Objetc but you will end up to face issues with that way ... but it is not reconmmanded as PHP Programming Best Pratices ... the best way to do so is to include a connection file for every script in your project. Read PHP Documentation for Persistant Connections in order to learn more about Issues found for these Connection Objets especially for recent php versions. PHP Announced that Persistant Connections are on the way to be dropped from futur version as it may increase server workload with persistant ressources ... Sorry if it is too late