My subject line says most of what I\'m asking. I\'ve got a web site that outputs reports in various formats (HTML, CSV, TSV, Excel, etc). Whenever possible, I\'d like thes
Check that your server is serving the correct MIME type for the CSV and Excel files. In order to treat them properly, even a browser which recognises their type and has a file type handler/plugin for them will need the correct MIME type.
You will probably want the MIME type of both to be application/
If you are serving these with your web server as regular files, then the relevant setting in Apache is the mime.types file.
application/ xls csv
If you are serving these files from your application, then you'll need to add the Content-Type: application/ header yourself.
Note that for some users, you may never get it to work as expected - for example anyone who doesn't have Microsoft Office installed, or even anyone using an alternative browser or who has messed with their file type associations.
(for your interest, this article describes the procedure - it happens to be able Plone/Zope but the idea is the same).