I have to make an uninformed search (Breadth-first-Search) program which takes two nodes and return all the paths between them.
public void BFS(Nod start, N
Sounds like homework. But the fun kind.
The following is pseudocode, is depth first instead of breath first (so should be converted to a queue type algorithm, and may contain bugs, but the general jist should be clear.
class Node{
Vector[Link] connections;
String name;
class Link{
Node destination;
int distance;
Vector[Vector[Node]] paths(Node source, Node end_dest, Vector[Vector[Node]] routes){
for each route in routes{
bool has_next = false;
for each connection in source.connections{
if !connection.destination in route {
has_next = true;
if (!connection.destination == end_dest){
paths(destination, end_dest, routes);
if !has_next {
routes.remove(route) //watch out here, might mess up the iteration
return routes;
Edit: Is this actually the answer to the question you are looking for? Or do you actually want to find the shortest path? If it's the latter, use Dijkstra's algorithm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm