Note: To clarify, the question is not about the use of the restrict
keyword in general, but specifically about applying it to member functions
I belive what you guys are missing is that an argument to a member function could also alias parts or an object. Here's an example
struct some_class {
int some_value;
void compute_something(int& result) {
result = 2*some_value;
result -= some_value;
One would probably expect that to compile to
*(this + offsetof(some_value)) -> register1
2*register1 -> register2
register2 - register1 -> result
That code, unfortunately, would be wrong if someone passes a reference to some_value for result. Thus, a compiler would actually need to generate to following
*(this + offsetof(some_value)) -> register1
2*register1 -> register2
register2 -> result
*(this + offsetof(some_value)) -> register1
result -> register2
register2 - register1 -> register2
register2 -> result
which is obviously way less efficient. Note that unless compute_something is inlines, the compiler has no way of knowing whether result may alias some_value or not, so it has to assume the worst case, no matter no smart or dumb it is. So there a definite and very real advantage to restrict, even if applied to the this pointer.