In our company, our clients perform various activities that we log in different tables - Interview attendance, Course Attendance, and other general activities. I have a data
For another issue, I've taken a geometric approach to date
packing. Namely, I convert dates and times to a sql geometry
type and utilize geometry::UnionAggregate
to merge the ranges.
I don't believe this will work in sql-server 2005. But your problem was such an interesting puzzle that I wanted to see whether the geometrical approach would work. So any future users running into this problem that have access to a later version can consider it.
In 'numbers':
In 'mergeLines':
In 'redate':
In the outer query:
numbers as (
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) i
from @activities -- where I put your data
mergeLines as (
select activity_client_id,
lines = geometry::UnionAggregate(line)
from @activities
cross apply (select
startP = geometry::Point(convert(float,activity_start_date), 0, 0),
stopP = geometry::Point(convert(float,activity_end_date), 0, 0)
) pointify
cross apply (select line = startP.STUnion(stopP).STEnvelope()) lineify
group by activity_client_id
redate as (
select client_id = activity_client_id,
rollingMinutes = sum(minutes) over(
partition by activity_client_id
order by activities_start_date
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
from mergeLines ml
join numbers n on n.i between 1 and ml.lines.STNumGeometries()
cross apply (select line = ml.lines.STGeometryN(i).STEnvelope()) l
cross apply (select
activities_start_date = convert(datetime, l.line.STPointN(1).STX),
activities_end_date = convert(datetime, l.line.STPointN(3).STX)
) unprepare
cross apply (select minutes =
round(datediff(s, activities_start_date, activities_end_date) / 60.0,0)
) duration
select client_id,
met_5hr_goal = dateadd(minute, (60 * 5) - prevRoll, activities_start_date)
from (
select *,
prevRoll = lag(rollingMinutes) over (
partition by client_id
order by rollingMinutes
from redate
) ranker
where rollingMinutes >= 60 * 5
and prevRoll < 60 * 5;