How get web config location element?
ConfigurationManager.GetSection(\"appSettings\") returns Okay
ConfigurationManager.GetSection(\"location\") return null
I'd like to improve Neil's answer: Many say that modifying your web.config at runtime is not recommended. But here's the code how to do it.
//The path where the web.config file is located
string path = "~/Administrator/";
//Collections of aspx page names separated by a comma.
//Example content in a textbox: Default.aspx,Audit.aspx,
string strPages = txtPages.Text;
//This is string array where we are going to break down all name of aspx pages
//contained in strPages variable
string[] cdrPages = strValues.Split(',');
//This is the list where we are going to transfer the names of our aspx pages
//for faster searching of existing items
List accesslist = new List();
//1. Create Role
//2. Open the Web Configuration --> make sure that you put the correct folder location of your web.config file
System.Configuration.Configuration config = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(path);
//3. Get All Specified Locations
ConfigurationLocationCollection myLocationCollection = config.Locations;
//4. Transfer the values of string[] strPages to List accessList
for (int i = 0; i < strPages.Length; i++)
if (strPages[i].ToString() != null && strPages[i].ToString() != "")
//5. Loop through the LocationCollections
foreach (ConfigurationLocation myLocation in myLocationCollection)
//6. Checks if myLocation exists in List accessList
bool exists = accesslist.Exists(element => element == myLocation.Path);
//If Exists
if (exists) {
//7. Open the configuration of myLocation
System.Configuration.Configuration sub = myLocation.OpenConfiguration();
//8. Get the authorization section of specific location
AuthorizationSection section = (System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationSection)sub.GetSection("system.web/authorization");
//9. Declare the Authorization Rule, in this case, we are allowing a new role to have an access to a specific page
AuthorizationRule autho = new System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationRule(System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow);
//10. Add the New Role to Authorization Section
//11. Save the "sub", or the specific location inside the web.config file.
message.InnerHtml = "Role Successfully Added!";
message.Attributes.Add("class", "msg_info");
catch {
message.InnerHtml = "Saving Failed";
message.Attributes.Add("class", "msg_error");
This may be an ugly code, but for sure it'll work. - Jan Russel 'Rusty Programmer' Calachan