How can I use pure functions inside IO functions? :-/
For example: I\'m reading a file (IO function) and I want to parse its context, a string, by using a pure funct
Alex Horsman helped me. He said:
"Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but that sounds pretty simple? do {x <- ioFunc; return (pureFunc x)}"
And then I solved my problem:
import System.IO
import Data.List
getFirstPart line Nothing = line
getFirstPart line (Just index) = fst $ splitAt index line
eliminateComment line =
getFirstPart line $ elemIndex ';' line
eliminateCarriageReturn line =
getFirstPart line $ elemIndex '\r' line
eliminateEntersAndComments :: String -> String
eliminateEntersAndComments text =
concat $ map mapFunction $ lines text
mapFunction = (++ " ") . eliminateCarriageReturn . eliminateComment
main = do {
contents <- readFile "../DWR-operators.txt";
return (eliminateEntersAndComments contents)