I\'ve created some charts using the Likert package, however when I create plots by groups the plot.percents = TRUE won\'t give me the labels for each response category. The
According to the function source, printing of plot.percents is not currently supported for grouped analysis. See https://github.com/jbryer/likert/blob/master/R/plot.likert.bar.r#L174
There's a slight problem with the package code, which is easy to fix (unless I am overlooking something else).
On line 175 https://github.com/jbryer/likert/blob/master/R/plot.likert.bar.r#L175 change:
# lpercentpos <- ddply(results[results$value > 0,], .(Item), transform,
lpercentpos <- ddply(results[results$value > 0,], .(Group, Item), transform,
on line 177 https://github.com/jbryer/likert/blob/master/R/plot.likert.bar.r#L177 change:
# p + geom_text(data=lpercentpos, aes(x=Group, y=pos, label=paste0(round(value), '%'),
p <- p + geom_text(data=lpercentpos, aes(x=Group, y=pos, label=paste0(round(value), '%'),
and on line 184 https://github.com/jbryer/likert/blob/master/R/plot.likert.bar.r#L184 change:
# lpercentneg <- ddply(lpercentneg, .(Item), transform,
lpercentneg <- ddply(lpercentneg, .(Group, Item), transform,
Then uncomment this section and remove FALSE from the if statement
# if(FALSE & plot.percents) { #TODO: implement for grouping
if(plot.percents) {
Here's the snippet which goes inside the if statement:
# if(FALSE & plot.percents) { #TODO: implement for grouping
if(plot.percents) {
# warning('plot.percents is not currenlty supported for grouped analysis.')
lpercentpos <- ddply(results[results$value > 0,], .(Group, Item), transform,
pos = cumsum(value) - 0.5*value)
p <- p + geom_text(data=lpercentpos, aes(x=Group, y=pos, label=paste0(round(value), '%'),
group=Item), size=text.size)
lpercentneg <- results[results$value < 0,]
if(nrow(lpercentneg) > 0) {
lpercentneg <- lpercentneg[nrow(lpercentneg):1,]
lpercentneg$value <- abs(lpercentneg$value)
lpercentneg <- ddply(lpercentneg, .(Group, Item), transform,
pos = cumsum(value) - 0.5*value)
lpercentneg$pos <- lpercentneg$pos * -1
p <- p + geom_text(data=lpercentneg, aes(x=Item, y=pos, label=paste0(round(abs(value)), '%')),
I haven't done much testing, but your test data works fine and produces this output:
I fixed this issue and submitted a pull request to Jason. In the meantime you can pull the changes from here: https://github.com/aseidlitz/likert