I have a log file that is not more than 10KB (File size can go up to 2 MB max) and I want to find if atleast one group of these strings occurs in the files. These strings w
You don't have much of a choice with text files when it comes to efficiency. The easiest way would definitely be to loop through each line of data. When you grab a line in a string, split it on the spaces. Then match those words to your words until you find a match. Then do whatever you need.
I don't know how to do it in c# but in vb it would be something like...
Dim yourString as string
Dim words as string()
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
yourString = objReader.ReadLine()
words = yourString.split(" ")
For Each word in words()
If Myword = word Then
do stuff
End If
Hope that helps