Got below code to start with
public interface IDataContextAsync : IDataContext
Task SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
Your service locator that is doing the resolving (after your constructor asks for IDataContextAsync) is probably trying to resolve like this:
when it needs to resolve like this
and there wouldn't be any extra logic built into it for it to know that.
If you want to conditionally resolve you could use an injection factory:
public static class Factory
public static IDataContextAsync GetDataContext()
if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 10)
return new DB1Context();
return new DB2Context();
..and register IDataContextAsync like this:
Current.RegisterType(new InjectionFactory(c => Factory.GetDataContext()));
Since it takes a delegate you don't necessarily need the static class / method and could do it inline.