I have some doubts about usage of static method in Java. I read many places static variables are instance independent so be comes global.
public class ThirdC
@eternal I think I am getting the point you wanna ask. I tested this (with some minor compile changes) on Jboss. The results were: Once deployed the scope of class ThirdClass seems to be application deployment level. And the static value of var was retained while multiple method calls.
Here is the basic structure i used.
public class ThirdClass {
public static var = "Java";
public class Second class{
public void testA {
ThirdClass ob1 = new ThirdClass(); // not needed , just kept for clarity.
ThirdClass ob2 = new ThirdClass();
public class First {
public void testB {
ThirdClass ob3 = new ThirdClass();
public void testC {
ThirdClass ob4 = new ThirdClass();
By webservices calls ( i have a setup) called these methods in secquence testA() --> Display var = "Ruby"
testB() --> Display var = "Ruby"
testC() --> Display var ="CSHARP"
So the new changed values were shared by DIFFERENT METHOD CALLS throught application deployment. So scope of ThirdClass was deployment level.