This is a two part question about input validation with one specific and another more general component.
The specific:
While researching the
You can set different validators for different QLineEdit
has two constructors:
QRegExpValidator(parent: QObject = None)
QRegExpValidator(QRegExp, parent: QObject = None)
so, you should change your code to:
reg_ex = QRegExp("[0-9]+.?[0-9]{,2}")
input_validator = QRegExpValidator(reg_ex, self.le_input)
Once you set validator for QLineEdit, there is no need to use
Just delete it. And that should work fine.
If you want to find documentation about PyQt5, you can simple use this in your console:
pydoc3 PyQt5.QtGui.QRegExpValidator
But pydoc can only show you little information, so you should use C++ version documation as well.
Finally, an example about this:
from PyQt5.Qt import QApplication
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRegExp
from PyQt5.QtGui import QRegExpValidator
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLineEdit
import sys
class MyWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.le_input = QLineEdit(self)
reg_ex = QRegExp("[0-9]+.?[0-9]{,2}")
input_validator = QRegExpValidator(reg_ex, self.le_input)
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MyWidget()