I\'m new at PHP and keep struggling to read a CSV file into a 2D-array. I use the following file \'csv/team.csv\':
just assigns array values to variables.You probably want to extract the headings first and combine that with each row to get an associative array:
$teamdata = file("csv/team.csv", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
//get and remove first line to use as keys
$headings = str_getcsv(array_shift($teamdata));
foreach ($teamdata as $playerline) {
$player = str_getcsv($playerline);
//combine keys with values
$result[] = array_combine($headings, $player);
on the array, however the array pointer is already at the first element so there is no previous and it returns false
. This is seen with: var_dump(prev($result));