I have 4 list and each element on the list are unique across the 4 list. How do I find if the value exist in one of the list and return which list it exist?
you can use list comprehension
>>> value ="a"
>>> a = ['a','b','c']
>>> b = ['d','e','f']
>>> d = ['g','h','i']
>>> c = ['j','k','l']
>>> [x for x in a,b,c,d if value in x]
[['a', 'b', 'c']]
To get variable name:
>>> for x in a,b,c,d:
... if value in x:
... for key,val in locals().items():
... if x == val:
... print key
... break
locals() contains local scope variable as dictionary, variable name being key and its value being value
globals contains global scope variable as dictionary, variable name being key and its value being value