I\'m looking for a schema-independent query. That is, if I have a users
table or a purchases
table, the query should be equally capable of catchin
I recently was looking into the same issue and noticed this question. I managed to solve it using a stored procedure with some dynamic SQL. This way you only need to specify the table name. And it will get all the other relevant data from sys tables.
This SP returns all duplicate rows (1 line for each duplicate) for any given table.
to use the SP:
exec [database].[dbo].[sp_duplicates]
@table = '[database].[schema].[table]'
create proc dbo.sp_duplicates @table nvarchar(50) as
declare @query nvarchar(max)
declare @groupby nvarchar(max)
set @groupby = stuff((select ',' + [name]
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@table)
FOR xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
set @query = 'select *, count(*)
from '+@table+'
group by '+@groupby+'
having count(*) > 1'
exec (@query)