I created the instance of View Model in onCreate
method of an activity.
ticketViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(TicketViewModel.cl
If you are willing to do some changes, i think we can handle it in much cleaner way
LiveData is meant to be used to contain a property value of a view
In ViewModel
public class TicketViewModel extends AndroidViewModel implements IServiceResponse {
private MutableLiveData showLoadingAnimationLiveData = new MutableLiveData();
public LiveData getShowLoadingAnimationLiveData(){
return showLoadingAnimationLiveData;
public void addTicket(String id){
JsonObject jsonObject= new JsonObject();
jsonObject.addProperty("id", id);
NetworkUtility networkUtility= new NetworkUtility(this, ADD_TICKET);
networkUtility.hitService(URL, jsonObject, RequestMethods.POST);
public void onServiceResponse(String response, String callType){
In 'onCreate' of your Activity/Fragment
if(showLoadingAnimation != null && showLoadingAnimation){
The main concept is to divide the responsibilities, Activity/Fragment doesn't need to know which process is going on, they only need to know what are the current properties/state of there child views.
We need to maintain a LiveData in ViewModels for each changing property/state depending on Views. ViewModel needs to handle the view states depending on whats happening.
Only responsibility the Activity/Fragment has about a process is to trigger it and forget and ViewModel needs handle everything(like informing Repositories to do the work and changing View Properties).
In your Case, 'addTicket' is a process about which Activity/Fragment doesn't need to know about there status. The only responsibility of Activity/Fragment about that process is to trigger it.
ViewModel is one who needs to analyze the state of process(in-progress/success/failed) and give appropriate values to the LiveDatas to inform the respective Views