We well know inorder
implementation for BST tree.
inorder(nil, []).
inorder(t(Root, L, R), List) :-
inorder(L, ListLeft),
inorder(R, Lis
If you like the trick I've proposed here, the only change required could be
:- use_module(carlo(snippets/when_)).
inorder(t(Root, L, R), List) -:- ...
and now
?- inorder(T,[1,2,3]).
T = t(1, nil, t(2, nil, t(3, nil, nil))) ;
T = t(1, nil, t(3, t(2, nil, nil), nil)) ;
T = t(2, t(1, nil, nil), t(3, nil, nil)) ;
T = t(3, t(1, nil, t(2, nil, nil)), nil) ;
T = t(3, t(2, t(1, nil, nil), nil), nil) ;