I struggled finding the solution I was looking for in other stackoverflow posts, even though I strongly feel as if it must exist. If it does, please do forward me in the rig
It can be simply done as follows.
Note: Used JSON.parse and stringify to deep shallow copy the data. Or else the original array gets modified. Its not needed if the original array can be modified.
const data = [
{team: "GSW", pts: 120, ast: 18, reb: 11},
{team: "GSW", pts: 125, ast: 28, reb: 18},
{team: "GSW", pts: 110, ast: 35, reb: 47},
{team: "HOU", pts: 100, ast: 17, reb: 43},
{team: "HOU", pts: 102, ast: 14, reb: 32},
{team: "SAS", pts: 127, ast: 21, reb: 25},
{team: "SAS", pts: 135, ast: 25, reb: 37},
{team: "SAS", pts: 142, ast: 18, reb: 27}
function groupData(mydata,keys)
var accresult = mydata.reduce(function(acc, value){
var arr = acc.filter(function(obj){return obj.team==value.team});
arr.length ? (item=arr[0] , keys.forEach(function(key){ item[key]+=value[key]; })) : acc.push(value);
return acc;
var result = accresult.map(function(val){
var l = mydata.filter(function(obj){return obj.team==val.team}).length;
keys.forEach(function(key){ val[key]=(val[key]/l).toFixed(2); })
return val;
return result;