I have a JavaScript object with a privileged method. When this method has completed, I would like it to call itself (after a small timeout) and continue running indefinitely
When you first call it with "myTest.testMethod();" the "this" keyword is bond to your "myTest" object, when the timeout fires the "window" object is bond to "this" keyword and "this.testMethod" is equivalent to "window.testMethod". Try:
function Test() {
// ... private variables that testMethod needs to access ...
this.testMethod = function() {
alert("Hello, from the method.");
return function(){self.testMethod();};
})(this), 2000);
var myTest = new Test();
function Test() {
// ... private variables that testMethod needs to access ...
this.testMethod = function() {
alert("Hello, from the method.");
var self = this;
setTimeout(function(){self.testMethod();}, 2000);
var myTest = new Test();