I have C++ project (VS2005) which includes header file with version number in #define directive. Now I need to include exactly the same number in twin C# project. What is th
I wrote a python script that converts #define FOO "bar" into something usable in C# and I'm using it in a pre-build step in my C# project. It works.
# translate the #defines in messages.h file into consts in MessagesDotH.cs
import re
import os
import stat
def convert_h_to_cs(fin, fout):
for line in fin:
m = re.match(r"^#define (.*) \"(.*)\"", line)
if m != None:
if m.group() != None:
fout.write( "public const string " \
+ m.group(1) \
+ " = \"" \
+ m.group(2) \
+ "\";\n" )
if re.match(r"^//", line) != None:
fin = open ('..\common_cpp\messages.h')
fout = open ('..\user_setup\MessagesDotH.cs.tmp','w')
fout.write( 'using System;\n' )
fout.write( 'namespace xrisk { class MessagesDotH {\n' )
convert_h_to_cs(fin, fout)
fout.write( '}}' )
s1 = open('..\user_setup\MessagesDotH.cs.tmp').read()
s2 = open('..\user_setup\MessagesDotH.cs').read()
if s1 != s2:
os.chmod('..\user_setup\MessagesDotH.cs', stat.S_IWRITE)
print 'deleting old MessagesDotH.cs'
print 'remaming tmp to MessagesDotH.cs'
print 'no differences. using same MessagesDotH.cs'