I\'m working on an Ember app that is using Ember Data and the now default json-api adapter.
According to the json-api spec (http://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-deleting)
After upgrading to Ember 2.6.1 and Ember 2.6.1 I was no longer able to access the store._metadataFor
To get access to the metadata from a particular call I now override the serializer for the model and add a meta
property to the model itself that simply passes through the metadata.
As an example I have a record type called vote
which when saved returns some metadata.
For the model I do the following:
// Vote Model (/app/models/vote)
export default DS.Model.extend({
vote: DS.attr('number'),
// Since i don't provide a transform the values for meta are passed through in
// raw form
meta: DS.attr()
Then in the serializer for the vote model I do the following:
// Vote serializer (/app/serializers/vote)
import DS from "ember-data";
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
normalizeSaveResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {
// The metadata in the payload does get processed by default and will be
// placed into a top level `meta` key on the returned documentHash
let documentHash = this._super(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType);
// Make sure we always have an empty object assigned to the meta attribute
if(typeof(payload.meta) !== 'object'){
payload.meta = {};
// Move the metadata into the attributes hash for the model
documentHash.data.attributes.meta = payload.meta;
return documentHash;
Note that in the above example I'm only adding in metadata to the vote model when making a save call to the store. If you wanted to always add in the metadata then you would override the normalize
method instead of the normalizeSaveResponse
Then you can access a meta
field in the results of your save call.
let vote = self.store.createRecord('vote', {
vote: voteValue
// this will now contain your metadata