It\'s quite a contradictory habit of mine to press Ctrl+S permanently. The negative side is that delphi deletes empty functions/procedures on save.
Is there a way t
Converted from the comment as per OP request. My comment is too tiny for an answer, so I'm going to add few details maybe already obvious to an OP.
This happens with event handlers only¹. Write them without delay or comment them with todo²
¹ That is, event handlers are methods of design class and they are created, listed and deleted (if caught empty when saving or compiling) by the form designer (this include data module designer and any of other custom designers installed). Confer to delegates you probably familiar with from C# background. Any other methods are subject to "manual" management.
² TODO items (Ctrl+Shift+T in default keybinding) are definitely better than just blank comments:
procedure TForm1.MagicButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ TODO -ctomorrow : I'm going to write the code, I promise! }
with AutoCheck
set must (see the comment from Sir Rufo below for another possibility at run time) have its OnExecute
assigned in order to be Enabled
. In this case it is inevitably to have such blank event handlers within design class. Example:
procedure TMonitor.AutoCheckActionExecute(Sender: TObject);
// dummy stub
{ DONE -crefactor : merge with other stub(s) }