I am using Google app engine for my web app and I need to use a NoSQL database, so my best option is Google Cloud Datastore
Since I can\'t find a way to connect it w
Include google/cloud-datastore
library via composer
$ composer require google/cloud-datastore
and you can use as Example below.
// Create an entity
$bob = $datastore->entity('Person');
$bob['firstName'] = 'Bob';
$bob['email'] = 'bob@example.com';
// Update the entity
$bob['email'] = 'bobV2@example.com';
// If you know the ID of the entity, you can look it up
$key = $datastore->key('Person', '12345328897844');
$entity = $datastore->lookup($key);
More details: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-php#google-cloud-datastore-ga