I was trying to follow: Rails: submit (via AJAX) when drop-down option clicked
However none of these options appear to work (onsubmit, submit)
This is what I
I ended up making a event bind as per Marc's suggestion
= simple_form_for task, :remote => true, :format => :js, :html => {:id => "task_#{task.id}_status"} do |f|
= f.association :status, :label => false, :include_blank => false, :input_html => {:id => "task_#{task.id}_status_select" }
jQuery(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#task_#{task.id}_status_select").bind("change", function() {
type: "PUT",
url: '#{project_story_type_story_task_path(@project, @story_type, @story, task)}',
data: 'task[status_id]=' + $('#task_#{task.id}_status_select').val(),
complete: function() {