I\'ve been having trouble trying to split numbers into lists using Prolog, e.g. 123456 becomes [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Can you please help me work out how to do
You could first create a reverse list:
//Base step
//Recursive step
splitRev(N,[A|As]) :- N1 is floor(N/10), A is N mod 10, splitRev(N1,As).
The recursive step works like this:
N1 is floor(N/10)
divides N by 10 and rounds it down. So 538 becomes 53.8 becomes 53. It cuts off the last digit.
A is N mod 10
takes the remainder of N divided by 10. 538 mod 10 equals 8. So you get only the last digit.
Now for splitting the list you only need to reverse the list created by splitRev/2. So predicate split/2 is defined as:
split(N,L1) :- splitRev(N,L2), reverse(L1,L2).
Note that reverse/2 is a built-in predicate.
I hope this helps!