We have that old software (made by one of the first employees many years ago) in company that uses Microsoft Access to run. Boss asked me to add a random string generation i
This is one way, will work in Access VBA (which is an older basic than vb.net). It will generate a string with letters and numbers.
Sub test()
Dim s As String * 8 'fixed length string with 8 characters
Dim n As Integer
Dim ch As Integer 'the character
For n = 1 To Len(s) 'don't hardcode the length twice
ch = Rnd() * 127 'This could be more efficient.
'48 is '0', 57 is '9', 65 is 'A', 90 is 'Z', 97 is 'a', 122 is 'z'.
Loop While ch < 48 Or ch > 57 And ch < 65 Or ch > 90 And ch < 97 Or ch > 122
Mid(s, n, 1) = Chr(ch) 'bit more efficient than concatenation
Debug.Print s
End Sub