I recently encountered a tool called LiveChart and decided to test it out.
Unfortunately I\'ve been having some problems figuring out how to update the chart values
Hi for Pie chart you can upload the value in this easy way:
code Behind:
/// Interaction logic for StatusChart.xaml
public partial class StatusChart : UserControl
#region - Values -
private List values;
public List Values
get => values;
if (value is null) throw new NullReferenceException();
if (value.Count > PieChart.Series.Count) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
for(int serie = 0; serie < PieChart.Series.Count; serie++)
PieChart.Series[serie].ActualValues[0] = values[serie];
PieChart.Series.ForEach((i, s) => s.ActualValues[0] = value[i]);
public StatusChart()
values = Enumerable.Repeat(1D, PieChart.Series.Count).ToList();
PointLabel = chartPoint => string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0:#0}s", chartPoint.Y);
GridRoot.DataContext = this;
public Func PointLabel { get; set; }
/// method to enalrge the slice (part of pie chart)
private void Chart_OnDataClick(object sender, ChartPoint chartpoint)
var chart = (LiveCharts.Wpf.PieChart)chartpoint.ChartView;
//clear selected slice.
foreach (PieSeries series in chart.Series)
series.PushOut = 0;
var selectedSeries = (PieSeries)chartpoint.SeriesView;
selectedSeries.PushOut = 7;
and xaml code:
and just to try the control in a window wpf test put this few lines:
var temporalSc = Enumerable.Repeat(1D, StatusChart.PieChart.Series.Count).ToList();
for (var i = 0; i < StatusChart.PieChart.Series.Count; i++)
temporalSc[i] += rnd.Next(1, 87);
StatusChart.Values = temporalSc;