I have the following code
int i, a, z;
i = 2343243443;
a = 5464354324324324;
z = i * a;
cout << z << endl;
When these are
I would like to elaborate on, and clarify Shravan Kumar's Answer using a full-fledged code. The code starts with a long integers a & b, which are multiplied using array, converted to a string and then back into the long int.
using namespace std;
int main()
//Numbers to be multiplied
long a=111,b=100;
//Convert them to strings (or character array)
string arr1 = to_string(a), arr2 = to_string(b);
//Reverse them
reverse(arr1.begin(), arr1.end());
reverse(arr2.begin(), arr2.end());
//Getting size for final result, just to avoid dynamic size
int ans_size = arr1.size() + arr2.size();
//Declaring array to store final result
int ans[ans_size]={0};
//In a reverse manner, just to avoid reversing strings explicitly
for(int i=0; i int)
int p = (int)(arr1[i]) - '0';
int q = (int)(arr2[j]) - '0';
//Excerpt from Shravan's answer above
//Declare array to store string form of final answer
string s="";
for(auto i=0;i