My problem is how to load .js files from the vendors folder in CakePHP 3.0. I have included twitter bootstrap via composer. The .js file is located in /vendor/twbs/bootstrap
Same with mutdsu's answer but with more details.
In composer.json, under scripts, add the line:
"post-update-cmd": "App\\Console\\Installer::postUpdate",
it should show something like this:
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": "App\\Console\\Installer::postUpdate",
In src/Console/Installer.php, add these two static functions:
public static function postUpdate(Event $event) {
$io = $event->getIO();
$rootDir = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
static::copyBootstrapAssets($rootDir, $io);
public static function copyBootstrapAssets($dir, $io) {
$bootstrapAssetsDir = $dir . $ds . 'vendor' . $ds . 'twbs' . $ds . 'bootstrap' . $ds . 'dist' . $ds;
$bootstrapCssAssetsDir = $bootstrapAssetsDir . 'css' . $ds;
$bootstrapJsAssetsDir = $bootstrapAssetsDir . 'js' . $ds;
$bootstrapFontAssetsDir = $bootstrapAssetsDir . 'fonts' . $ds;
$webrootDir = $dir . $ds . 'webroot' . $ds;
$cssDir = $webrootDir . 'css' . $ds;
$jsDir = $webrootDir . 'js' . $ds;
$fontDir = $webrootDir . 'fonts' . $ds;
if (!file_exists($cssDir) && !is_dir($cssDir)) {
if (!file_exists($jsDir) && !is_dir($jsDir)) {
if (!file_exists($fontDir) && !is_dir($fontDir)) {
$cssAssets = [
$jsAssets = [
$fontAssets = [
foreach ($cssAssets as $asset) {
if (file_exists($bootstrapCssAssetsDir . $asset)) {
copy($bootstrapCssAssetsDir . $asset, $cssDir . $asset);
$io->write('Copied `' . $asset . '` file');
} else {
if (file_exists($cssDir . $asset)) {
unlink($cssDir . $asset);
foreach ($jsAssets as $asset) {
if (file_exists($bootstrapJsAssetsDir . $asset)) {
copy($bootstrapJsAssetsDir . $asset, $jsDir . $asset);
$io->write('Copied `' . $asset . '` file');
} else {
if (file_exists($jsDir . $asset)) {
unlink($jsDir . $asset);
foreach ($fontAssets as $asset) {
if (file_exists($bootstrapFontAssetsDir . $asset)) {
copy($bootstrapFontAssetsDir . $asset, $fontDir . $asset);
$io->write('Copied `' . $asset . '` file');
} else {
if (file_exists($fontDir . $asset)) {
unlink($fontDir . $asset);
If you are using git, please make sure to add these lines to your .gitignore file: