I am new to Selenium Web driver as well as Grid 2.
I am trying to run a test case but it gives me an exception
Exception in thread \"main\" o
It is probably just what it says: the hub/selenium can not find a match for the requested capabilities.
I had this issue, and the error a got was (after formatting):
java.lang.RuntimeException : org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException : Error forwarding the new session cannot find : Capabilities[{
proxy = {
proxyAutoconfigUrl = null,
socksUsername = null,
socksPassword = null,
autodetect = false,
httpProxy = xxxxxxxxxxxx.com : 8080,
proxyType = MANUAL,
noProxy = xxxxxxxxxxxxx.net,
ftpProxy = null,
hCode = 1273131486,
socksProxy = null,
class = org.openqa.selenium.Proxy,
sslProxy = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com : 8080
loggingPrefs = org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences @ 3564e4e9,
browserName = MicrosoftEdge,
type = regular,
version = ,
platform = ANY
Turns out that my co-workers had added a new parameter to the capabilities ("type"), and I had not updated my .json file that configures my Selenium node.