I\'m working with the woocommerce API to retrieve and store information. Currently our setup is designed to use camel case instead of underscores. I\'m using jq
Here's a jq function that will convert "a_bcd_ef" to "aBcdEf", which seems to be what you want:
def camel:
gsub( "_(?[a-z])"; .a|ascii_upcase);
Example usage:
"a_bcd_ef" | camel
If you want a simple one-liner to process JSON strings from STDIN:
$ jq 'gsub( "_(?[a-z])"; .a|ascii_upcase)'
If you only want the first occurrence of "_[a-z]" converted, then of course you'd use sub
. And so on.
To apply this function to ALL keys in an object, you could write:
with_entries( .key |= camel )
To change ALL keys in ALL objects within a JSON entity, you could use walk/1
walk(if type == "object" then with_entries(.key |= camel) else . end)
If your jq does not have walk/1
then you can simply include its definition (easily found by googling), either before it is invoked, or perhaps in your ~/.jq file.