I\'m starting to play with Realm.io in an Android app that I\'m writing. In one of my data objects, I\'m required to store a currency value. Previously I had stored the valu
What I do is store it as long
I have defined in my application a constant like so:
public static final BigDecimal MONEY_PRECISION = new BigDecimal(1000);
and when I need to store a big decimal it goes like this:
public class MoneyClass extends RealmObject {
long _price = 0;
public void set_price(BigDecimal price) {
this._price = price.longValue() * App.MONEY_PRECISION.longValue();
public BigDecimal get_price() {
return new BigDecimal(_price).divide(App.MONEY_PRECISION, 0, 0);
In theory this should be faster than saving it on strings , but I haven't really looked at the realm code much