Streaming xml-conduit parse results

后端 未结 3 1096
误落风尘 2021-01-18 08:23

I want to use xml-conduit, specifically Text.XML.Stream.Parse in order to lazily extract a list of objects from a large XML file.

As a test case, I use the recently

  •  悲哀的现实
    2021-01-18 08:41

    Based on Michael Snoyman's excellent answer here is a modified version that reads the data from instead of sourcing it from an artificially generated IO stream.

    For a reference on how to use xml-conduit directly, please see Michael's answer. This answer is only provided as an example on how to use the method described there on optionally compressed files.

    The main change here is that you need to use runResourceT to read the file, and the final print needs to be lifted from IO () to ResourceT IO ()

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes        #-}
    import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
    import           Control.Applicative    ((<*))
    import           Control.Concurrent     (threadDelay)
    import           Control.Monad          (forever, void)
    import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
    import           Data.ByteString        (ByteString)
    import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
    import           Data.Conduit
    import qualified Data.Conduit.List      as CL
    import           Data.Text              (Text)
    import           Data.Text.Encoding     (encodeUtf8)
    import           Data.XML.Types         (Event)
    import           Text.XML.Stream.Parse
    import           Data.Conduit.BZlib (bunzip2)
    import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
    import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, runResourceT)
    data User = User {name :: Text} deriving (Show)
    parseUserRow :: MonadThrow m => Consumer Event m (Maybe User)
    parseUserRow = tagName "row" (requireAttr "DisplayName" <* ignoreAttrs) $ \displayName -> do
        return $ User displayName
    parseUsers :: MonadThrow m => Conduit Event m User
    parseUsers = void $ tagNoAttr "users" $ yieldWhileJust parseUserRow
    yieldWhileJust :: Monad m
                   => ConduitM a b m (Maybe b)
                   -> Conduit a m b
    yieldWhileJust consumer =
        loop = do
            mx <- consumer
            case mx of
                Nothing -> return ()
                Just x -> yield x >> loop
    main :: IO ()
    main = runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile "" $= bunzip2 $$ parseBytes def
        =$ parseUsers
        =$ CL.mapM_ (lift . print)
