How can I generate a random number within range 0 to n where n can be > RAND_MAX in c,c++?
If you're looking for a uniform distribution (or any distribution for that manner) , you must take care that the statistical properties of the output are sufficient for your needs. If you can't use the output of a random number generator directly, you should be very careful trying to combine numbers to achieve your needs.
At a bare minimum you should make sure the distribution is appropriate. If you're looking for a uniform distribution of integers from 0 to M, and you have some uniform random number generator g()
to produce outputs that are smaller than M, make sure you do not do one of the following:
Beyond that, there is the potential for cross-correlation between terms of the sequence (random number generators are supposed to produce independent identically-distributed outputs).
Read The Art of Computer Programming vol. 2 (Knuth) and/or Numerical Recipes and ask questions until you feel confident.