I have a Samurize config that shows a CPU usage graph similar to Task manager.
How do I also display the name of the process with the current highest CPU usage per
Building on Frederic's answer and utilizing the code at the bottom of the page here (for an example of usage see this post) to join the full set of processes gotten from Get-Process
, we get the following:
$sampleInterval = 3
$process1 = Get-Process |select Name,Id, @{Name="Sample1CPU"; Expression = {$_.CPU}}
Start-Sleep -Seconds $sampleInterval
$process2 = Get-Process | select Id, @{Name="Sample2CPU"; Expression = {$_.CPU}}
$samples = Join-Object -Left $process1 -Right $process2 -LeftProperties Name,Sample1CPU -RightProperties Sample2CPU -Where {$args[0].Id -eq $args[1].Id}
$samples | select Name,@{Name="CPU Usage";Expression = {($_.Sample2CPU-$_.Sample1CPU)/$sampleInterval * 100}} | sort -Property "CPU Usage" -Descending | select -First 10 | ft -AutoSize
Which gives an example output of
Name CPU Usage
---- ---------
firefox 20.8333333333333
powershell_ise 5.72916666666667
Battle.net 1.5625
Skype 1.5625
chrome 1.5625
chrome 1.04166666666667
chrome 1.04166666666667
chrome 1.04166666666667
chrome 1.04166666666667
LCore 1.04166666666667