I was just testing my database and I realized that I run into problems wherever a text entry in my database contains a \'
character (single quote). My solution
Another method is to define a quote as constant (Const Quote = """") and use that to build SQL Statements. It is not possible to define a quote as Const Quote = Chr(34) as a constant definition can't be based on a function so one has to use four double quotes in a row. The third quote is what you are saving, the second quote is to excape the third quote and the first and last quote are because the value you are assigning is a string.
You will then be able to build SQL statements such as:
SQL = SELECT * FROM tblSyndromes
WHERE Syndrome = " & Quote & "Tourette's" & Quote & ";"
It will no longer matter that there are single quotes in your data.
I don't use parameters as if I upscale my database to sql server and convert my queries to pass-through queries, I can't use parameters. I rarely upscale but I write all my code with that assumption. Also if your query is not working as expected, how do find out what went wrong. If I have a variable called SQL, then I can always print the SQL statement and run it in a new query to see what it does.