In my C# program I don\'t want to work with byte array, therefore I cast rowversion data type to bigint:
SELECT CAST([version] AS BIGINT) FROM [dbo].[mytable
and bigint
both take 8 bytes so casting seems possible. However, the difference is that bigint is a signed integer, while rowversion is not.
This is a max value of rowversion that will cast properly to max positive bigint number (9223372036854775807):
select cast(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as bigint)
But starting from here, you'll be getting negative numbers:
select cast(0x8000000000000000 as bigint)
I didn't check if the latter cast throws an error in C#.
You problably won't reach more than 9223372036854775807 rows in your table, but still it's something you should know about, and I personally wouldn't recommend doing this unless you are certain that this problem will never occur in your solution.