I\'m using the code below to highlight some keywords in a text:
$message = str_ireplace($words,\'\'.$words.\'
From http://forum.phpfrance.com/vos-contributions/remplacement-selectif-hors-dans-balises-html-t199.html
function mon_rplc_callback($capture){
global $arg;
return ($arg['flag'] == 1)
? $arg['fct']($arg['from'], $arg['to'], $capture[1]).$capture[2]
: $capture[1].$arg['fct']($arg['from'], $arg['to'], $capture[2]);
function split_tag($from, $to, $txt, $fct, $flag = 1){
global $arg;
$arg = compact('from', 'to', 'fct', 'flag');
return preg_replace_callback('#((?:(?!<[/a-z]).)*)([^>]*>|$)#si', "mon_rplc_callback", $txt);
When $flag == 1, the replacement function is applied outside HTML. When $flag == -1, the replacement function is applied inside HTML.
Applied to your example, it would give something like this:
echo split_tag($words, ''.$words.'', $message, 'str_ireplace', 1);
Enjoy! ;)