I have a data frame for which I\'m computing a linear model and would like to include the correlation coefficient and its significance using geom_text.
pp + geom_text(aes(x=20, y=-5,
label=paste("list(italic(r) ==", round(val$estimate, digits=2), ", p < 0.0001)")),
parse=TRUE, colour="black")
The key is that the label argument is parsed if parse==TRUE, this means that the texts need to have a same format as in ?plotmath.
What the geom_text exactly do is like this:
expr <- parse(text=label)
and then draw text using the expr as a label. So label argument need to be a valid expression. In you example,
paste("italic(r) ==", 3, "Q", sep=" ")
is invalid expression, so
parse(text=paste("italic(r) ==", 3, "Q", sep=" "))
induces an error.
In plotmath, if you want to concat symbols, then you need to use:
paste(x, y, z)
list(x, y, z)
So if you want to simply concat, then
geom_text(foobar, label=paste("paste(italic(r) ==", 3, "Q)", sep=" "))
The first (outside) paste concats a piece of texts into one text variable. The second (inside) paste is used in plotmath process.
In my example above, I used list (see ?plotmath) instead of paste, because stats and p value is separated by `,'.