I have a nested while loop inside a foreach loop where I would like to advance the enumerator indefinitately while a certain condition is met. To do this I try casting the e
You cannot modify the enumerator from inside the for loop. The language does not permit this. You need to use the continue statement in order to advance to the next iteration of a loop.
However, I'm not convinced that your loop even needs a continue. Read on.
In the context of your code you would need to convert the while to an if in order to make the continue refer to the foreach block.
foreach (DateTime time in times)
if (condition)
// perform action
// code to execute if condition is not met
But written like this it is clear that the following equivalent variant is simpler still
foreach (DateTime time in times)
if (condition)
// perform action
// code to execute if condition is not met
This is equivalent to your pseudo-code because the part marked code to execute after while condition is met is executed for each item for which condition is false.
My assumption in all of this is that condition is evaluated for each item in the list.