I want to create multiple lags of multiple variables, so I thought writing a function would be helpful. My code throws a warning (\"Truncating vector to length 1 \") and fal
We can use shift
from data.table
which can take multiple values for 'n'
setDT(df)[order(time), c("a", "b", "c") := shift(x, 1:3) , id][order(id, time)]
Suppose, we need to do this on multiple columns
df$y <- df$x
setDT(df)[order(time), paste0(rep(c("x", "y"), each =3),
c("a", "b", "c")) :=shift(.SD, 1:3), id, .SDcols = x:y]
The shift
can also be used in the dplyr
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
arrange(id, time) %>%
do(data.frame(., setNames(shift(.$x, 1:3), c("a", "b", "c"))))
# id time x a b c
#1 1 2000 1 NA NA NA
#2 1 2001 2 1 NA NA
#3 1 2002 3 2 1 NA
#4 1 2003 4 3 2 1
#5 1 2004 5 4 3 2
#6 1 2005 6 5 4 3
#7 1 2006 7 6 5 4
#8 1 2007 8 7 6 5
#9 1 2008 9 8 7 6
#10 1 2009 10 9 8 7
#11 2 2000 10 NA NA NA
#12 2 2001 11 10 NA NA
#13 2 2002 12 11 10 NA
#14 2 2003 13 12 11 10
#15 2 2004 14 13 12 11
#16 2 2005 15 14 13 12
#17 2 2006 16 15 14 13
#18 2 2007 17 16 15 14
#19 2 2008 18 17 16 15
#20 2 2009 19 18 17 16