I have a problem reproducing the same result generated in PHP vs Coldfusion.
In PHP encrypting this way:
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Artjom B. already provided the answer above. Artjom B. wrote
The problem is the padding. The mcrypt extension of PHP only uses ZeroPadding [...] you either need to pad the plaintext in php [...] or use a different cipher in ColdFusion such as "DES/ECB/NoPadding". I recommend the former, because if you use NoPadding, the plaintext must already be a multiple of the block size.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to produce a null character in CF. AFAIK, the only technique that works is to use URLDecode("%00"). If you cannot modify the PHP code as @Artjom B. suggested, you could try using the function below to pad the text in CF. Disclaimer: It is only lightly tested (CF10), but seemed to produce the same result as above.
Since the CF encrypt() function always interprets the plain text input as a UTF-8 string, you can also use charsetEncode(bytes, "utf-8") to create a null character from a single element byte array, ie charsetEncode( javacast("byte[]", [0] ), "utf-8")
Valor = nullPad("TESTE", 8);
Key = "$224455@";
result = Encrypt(Valor, ToBase64(Key), "DES/ECB/NoPadding", "BASE64");
// Result: TzwRx5Bxoa0=
WriteDump( "Encrypted Text = "& Result );
Pads a string, with null bytes, to a multiple of the given block size
@param plainText - string to pad
@param blockSize - pad string so it is a multiple of this size
@param encoding - charset encoding of text
string function nullPad( string plainText, numeric blockSize, string encoding="UTF-8")
local.newText = arguments.plainText;
local.bytes = charsetDecode(arguments.plainText, arguments.encoding);
local.remain = arrayLen( local.bytes ) % arguments.blockSize;
if (local.remain neq 0)
local.padSize = arguments.blockSize - local.remain;
local.newText &= repeatString( urlDecode("%00"), local.padSize );
return local.newText;