Is there any open source library available that implements RESTful Client(library for interpreting HTTP requests as REST service calls) in C++ ?
My requirement is to
Restbed offers synchronous and asynchronous HTTP/ HTTPS client capabilities.
using namespace std;
using namespace restbed;
void print( const shared_ptr< Response >& response )
fprintf( stderr, "*** Response ***\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "Status Code: %i\n", response->get_status_code( ) );
fprintf( stderr, "Status Message: %s\n", response->get_status_message( ).data( ) );
fprintf( stderr, "HTTP Version: %.1f\n", response->get_version( ) );
fprintf( stderr, "HTTP Protocol: %s\n", response->get_protocol( ).data( ) );
for ( const auto header : response->get_headers( ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Header '%s' > '%s'\n", ), ) );
auto length = 0;
response->get_header( "Content-Length", length );
Http::fetch( length, response );
fprintf( stderr, "Body: %.*s...\n\n", 25, response->get_body( ).data( ) );
int main( const int, const char** )
auto request = make_shared< Request >( Uri( "" ) );
request->set_header( "Accept", "*/*" );
request->set_header( "Host", "" );
auto response = Http::sync( request );
print( response );
auto future = Http::async( request, [ ]( const shared_ptr< Request >, const shared_ptr< Response > response )
fprintf( stderr, "Printing async response\n" );
print( response );
} );
future.wait( );