How to stop a timer after some numbers of ticks or after, let\'s say, 3-4 seconds?
So I start a timer and I want after 10 ticks or after 2-3 seconds to stop autom
When initializing your timer set a tag value to 0 (zero).
tmrAutoStop.Tag = 0;
Then, with every tick add one...
tmrAutoStop.Tag = int.Parse(tmrAutoStop.Tag.ToString()) + 1;
and check if it reached your desired number:
if (int.Parse(tmrAutoStop.Tag.ToString()) >= 10)
//do timer cleanup
Use this same technique to alternate the timer associated event:
if (int.Parse(tmrAutoStop.Tag.ToString()) % 2 == 0)
//do something...
//do something else...
To check elapsed time (in seconds):
int m = int.Parse(tmrAutoStop.Tag.ToString()) * (1000 / tmrAutoStop.Interval);