I know. This is discouraged. For reasons I won\'t get into, I need to run my tests in the order they are written. According to the documentation, if my test class (we\'ll c
The best way to interfere in this chain may be to override a class method runnable_methods:
def self.runnable_methods
['run_first'] | super | ['run_last']
#Minitest version:
def self.runnable_methods
methods = methods_matching(/^test_/)
case self.test_order
when :random, :parallel then
max = methods.size
methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
when :alpha, :sorted then
raise "Unknown test_order: #{self.test_order.inspect}"
You can reorder test any suitable way around. If you define your special ordered tests with
test 'some special ordered test' do
, don't forget to remove them from the results of super call.
In my example I need to be sure only in one particular test to run last, so I keep random order on whole suite and place 'run_last' at the end of it.