In the model \'entered\' is a datetime field. I want to query the data to find all entry\'s that where made between noon(start_time) and 5:00pm (end_time).
I just figured out a solution for a similar use case – perhaps someone finds this useful:
In my case, I have Availability and Constraint models like so (simplified):
class Availability(...):
start = models.DateTimeField()
end = models.DateTimeField()
class Constraint(...):
from = models.TimeField()
to = models.TimeField()
I wanted to find availabilities that don't violate any constraints.
With Postgres, this worked for me:
where=['NOT (start::time, "end"::time) OVERLAPS (\'{0}\'::time, \'{1}\'::time)'.format(
from.strftime("%H:%M"), to.strftime("%H:%M")
Note how you can cast DateTime
to Time
(or rather timestamp
to time without timezone
in Postgres terms) with ::time
and then use OVERLAPS
to compare the time ranges.
And in regards to the original question, you can also do:
where=['start::time BETWEEN \'{0}\'::time AND \'{1}\'::time AND
"end"::time BETWEEN \'{0}\'::time AND \'{1}\'::time'.format(
from.strftime("%H:%M"), to.strftime("%H:%M")