I\'m working on a webpage that will dynamically render SVG graphics based on user interaction. Once complete, I would like the user to be able to print the graphics only - n
You can use jQuery. Assume you have your svg in a DIV(svgDiv) in the web page, include a print button that calls the following, where the root svg has an id=mySVG, to get width/height, or use the svgDiv width/height. This will print the view that is currently in the svg window.
//---print button---
var printSVG = function()
var popUpAndPrint = function()
var container = $('#svgDiv');
var width = parseFloat(mySVG.getAttribute("width"))
var height = parseFloat(mySVG.getAttribute("height"))
var printWindow = window.open('', 'PrintMap',
'width=' + width + ',height=' + height);
setTimeout(popUpAndPrint, 500);