I have a list of Character Codes in prolog.
I would like to change them into characters.
For instance,
L = \"abc\"
returns L = [9
Given L="abc", convert(L, X), X = abc
I'd say that you want to get atom (see Data types description) from prolog string.
I guess you want atom_codes/2 or something like that. It should work like L="abc", atom_codes(X, L).
according to doc.
Unnfortunately currently I have no SWI-Prolog in my system. But here is YAP which contains atom_codes/2
YAP 6.3.2 (x86_64-linux): Sat Sep 1 08:24:15 EEST 2012
MYDDAS version MYDDAS-0.9.1
?- L="abc", atom_codes(X,L).
L = [97,98,99],
X = abc
Don't forget as well that if you need to output string you don't need it to be converted to atom. See format/2 in SWI (or in YAP)
?- L="abc", format("~s~n", [L]).
L = [97,98,99]