It depends on a lot of things like how complex your code is. With a simple example like this, I'd put the returns on the same line as the ifs, and not use elses. The structure and behaviour is clear:
public String getTemperatureMessage(double temp)
if(temp < 32) return "Freezing";
if(temp < 60) return "Brr";
if(temp < 80) return "Comfortable";
return "Too hot";
When I have more complex code I find it useful to not break out from the nesting with returns or continue/break, but to assign to state or result variables. I will then also include {} even if the block is a single statement, mostly to keep the consistency in how the structure is represented in code, but also to slightly reduce the risk that later edits will forget to change a statement to a block.
If this example was more complex, I'd probably code it like this:
public String getTemperatureMessage(double temp) {
String result;
if(temp < 32) {
result = "Freezing";
} else {
if(temp < 60) {
result = "Brr";
} else {
if(temp < 80) {
result = "Comfortable";
} else {
result = "Too hot";
return result;